From the board
September is normally the month of sending the children’s school reports to their sponsors. This year is different. We have so far received only the reports from Nigua and Bani. The reports from the other schools are being delayed by Corona. So still some patience, but we have not forgotten. What is new this year is that the reports have been translated from Spanish to English by the people in the Dominican Republic!
Unfortunately, Margareth Arnts has left the board again. The work for our foundation could not be combined with her private situation. Later in this newsletter a call for new board members.

How are things in the Dominican Republic?
Fortunately, the number of new infections per day has dropped significantly and many restrictions have been lifted. But keeping your distance and wearing mouth caps are still mandatory. As in the Netherlands, not everyone adheres to these measures. Many people refuse the vaccinations because they don’t trust the vaccines. In the province where Fanny, our contact person, lives, the percentage of people vaccinated is very low, barely 50%. They are still at enormous risk of being infected. Because of our donation, more children have access to a tablet, so they finished last school year well despite Corona.
Schools are busy preparing for the start of the new school year, Sept. 20. The vaccination rate in the Dominican Republic is currently 60%. Only at 80% can “normal” life begin again. Partly because of this, it is still unsettled in the country and we unfortunately have to postpone visiting the projects. Fortunately, through our contacts with Fanny, we know what is going on and what the children need. Our support is essential. Huge thanks for all contributions!
Will you join our enthusiastic team?
The board of the Dominican Republic Children’s Aid Foundation consists of 5 enthusiastic and committed volunteers. To do our work optimally, we are looking for 1 – 2 new board members who want to dedicate themselves to offer underprivileged Dominican children a better future.
We are especially looking for people who have experience (or are interested in) fundraising, outreach and marketing. Given the current composition of the board, our preference is for a woman. Want to know more about joining our board? Contact Marieke van Suijlen, 06 53453935, send an email to or consult our website

Taking the bus to school, how long?
Our foundation has two buses in the Dominican Republic to take the (deaf) children back and forth from home to school. Without this free transportation for the children it is impossible for them to go to the often more distant special school for the deaf. Due to intensive use on the bad roads, both buses are in dire need of replacement. We hope to raise enough money this year to replace the big bus with a reliable second hand bus. The smaller bus is scheduled to be replaced next year.
We are well on our way. From one of our loyal donors we have received an amount of € 5000. Fantastic is also the commitment of one of our sponsors who is raising money in her own network for the bus-action. And Wilde Ganzen has already pledged financial support!
If you want to support the action, go to the website and transfer your donation to o.v.v. bus-action.
25 Children seeking sponsor!
The financial situation of many families in the Dominican Republic has continued to deteriorate because of Corona. Even more families are living in poverty as all kinds of sectors, especially tourism, have virtually ground to a halt. Our contact on the ground, Fanny, has asked if we would like to include 25 additional children in the program. Therefore, we are looking for new sponsors. Sponsoring a child costs € 11.67 per month / € 35 per quarter. Deaf children cost double (€ 23,34 per month / € 70 per quarter) due to the high transportation costs to and from school. For deaf children we often have 2 sponsors.
Will you help so that these 25 children can also go to school? Please register as a sponsor using the registration form on the website

Warmest regards, the Board:
Koot Jedeloo, Chris van den Brink, Ilse Jansen, Ben Heinen, Marieke van Suijlen.