Dominican Republic Children's Aid Foundation is an "Approved Charity"
We have been continuously recognized as a charity by the CBF since 2012. We are proud of that. For the sponsors and donors, it is a guarantee that their money is well spent.
The Recognition is the seal of approval for charities from the Central Bureau on Fundraising (CBF). Only charities that meet strict quality requirements qualify. “Recognized charities” contribute to a better world, handle every euro carefully, are accountable and have themselves independently audited.

Some important requirements for Recognition are:
1. Current policy: you have defined what your organization wants to achieve and how you will do it.
2. Budget: your policy plan is underpinned by a budget, which provides insight into expected costs and expenditures.
3. Independent board: the board consists of at least 3 members who govern without business interests, family ties or connections to other organizations.
4. Transparency and audit: a cash committee or Accountant (AA or RA registered) audit the financial statements and the report of the board. The website contains the policy plan as well as the bylaws and annual reports.
An “Approved Charity” receives an annual check and a comprehensive retest once every three years. The CBF thus checks whether the organization still meets the standards.